DNARNA’s Pomegranate Peel Extract Powder contains many bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenols, and antioxidants with high purity, offering numerous applications in various industries, including medicine, pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, veterinary, agriculture, and more.
Current studies Have focused on the nutritional properties, functionality, and disinfectant effects of pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.) and its extract. The application of pomegranate peel extract as dietary supplements, functional foods, or active biological components in the preparation of medicinal foods is highlighted. Due to its medicinal relevance and known chemical properties, bioactive molecules found in pomegranate peel and its extracts are suggested as alternatives to synthetic food additives, biologically active additives, and agents for disease prevention. However, due to the astringent and anti-nutritional properties of pomegranate peel and its extracts, they have not yet been considered as selected ingredients in food systems. This study thoroughly examines a wide range of practical and potential applications of pomegranate peel and its extract components in various food products, including food preservatives, stabilizers, supplements, probiotics, and quality enhancers.